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Thank you for sharing information about Surviving Sex Trafficking. A collective effort is needed to ensure people watch our film to draw attention to sex-trafficking and to inspire people to get involved in the fight against trafficking. Most importantly to inspire people to support trafficking survivors.
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“Surviving Sex Trafficking” is a documentary and collection of real-life interviews with survivors from around the world who were subjected to sexual assault. Explore how they escaped, continue to survive, and how the trauma has impacted them long-term.
Streaming now →
Proceeds go to sex trafficking survivors & shelters 💙
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Less than 1% of victims of sex trafficking will escape or be rescued 🛑
The documentary, “Surviving Sex Trafficking”, shines a light on the ongoing struggles of sex trafficking survivors.
Hear their story, and watch in theaters or online now at
Proceeds from sales will go to sex-trafficking survivors, shelters, and awareness campaigns 💙
#survivingsextrafficking #endsextrafficking #supporttraffickingsurivors #everysoulcounts #stoppingtraffic
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With over 45 million trafficking victims worldwide, sex trafficking is growing at a faster rate than any other crime. This must be stopped. 🛑
The documentary @SurvivingSexTraffickingFilm, examines the ongoing struggles of the brave 1% of sex trafficking survivors still desperately fighting to break free of their past.
Join us on a journey around the world to find courageous heroes that want to tell their stories and fight for a better future.
We encourage you to not only watch this documentary but to share this message with others. Click the link in bio and follow @SurvivingSexTraffickingFilm.
Proceeds from sales will go to sex-trafficking survivors, shelters, and awareness campaigns.
#survivingsextrafficking #endsextrafficking #supporttraffickingsurivors #everysoulcounts #stoppingtraffic
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Do sex trafficking survivors ever truly heal?
“Surviving Sex Trafficking” examines the ongoing struggles of trafficking survivors, as they desperately fight to break free of their past, heal their bodies and minds, reconnect with a world of hope, and reclaim their lost humanity.
Experience the ground-breaking documentary online or in theaters today →
#survivingsextrafficking #endsextrafficking #supporttraffickingsurivors #everysoulcounts #stoppingtraffic
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“Sex trafficking is the fastest-growing crime in the world.” — UNODC
The film “Surviving Sex Trafficking” traveled the world to document and learn from survivors of trafficking. The film does a great job showing how we cannot deny the story of survivors, but defy the ending for women worldwide.
Watch the film in theaters or online at
It’s amazing that 100% of the film proceeds will go to survivors and non-profit shelters— and even if you can’t watch the documentary, please share this message with loved ones ❤️
#survivingsextrafficking #endsextrafficking #supporttraffickingsurivors #everysoulcounts #stoppingtraffic
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“Sex trafficking is the fastest-growing crime in the world.” — UNODC
The film “Surviving Sex Trafficking” examines the ongoing struggles of trafficking survivors, as they desperately fight to break free of their past, heal their bodies and minds, reconnect with a world of hope, and reclaim their lost humanity.
View the ground-breaking documentary online or in theaters to hear their true stories →
All proceeds go directly to survivors and non-profit shelters.
#survivingsextrafficking #endsextrafficking #supporttraffickingsurivors #everysoulcounts #stoppingtraffic
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@SurvivingSexTrafficking is a documentary and collection of real-life interviews with survivors from around the world who were subjected to sexual assault. Explore how they escaped, continue to survive, and how the trauma has impacted them long-term.
Click the bio link to stream now and be sure to follow @SurvivingSexTrafficking
Proceeds go to sex trafficking survivors & shelters 💙
#survivingsextrafficking #endsextrafficking #supporttraffickingsurivors #everysoulcounts #stoppingtraffic
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Do sex trafficking survivors ever truly heal?
“Surviving Sex Trafficking” examines the ongoing struggles of trafficking survivors, as they desperately fight to break free of their past, heal their bodies and minds, reconnect with a world of hope, and reclaim their lost humanity.
Experience the ground-breaking documentary online or in theaters today → Click the bio link to stream now and be sure to follow @SurvivingSexTrafficking.
Proceeds go to sex trafficking survivors & shelters 💙
#survivingsextrafficking #endsextrafficking #supporttraffickingsurivors #everysoulcounts #stoppingtraffic
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With over 45 million trafficking victims worldwide, sex trafficking is growing at a faster rate than any other crime. This must be stopped. 🛑
The documentary @SurvivingSexTraffickingFilm, examines the ongoing struggles of the brave 1% of sex trafficking survivors still desperately fighting to break free of their past.
Join us on a journey around the world to find courageous heroes that want to tell their stories and fight for a better future.
We encourage you to not only watch this documentary but to share this message with others. Click the link in bio and follow @SurvivingSexTraffickingFilm.
Proceeds from sales will go to sex-trafficking survivors, shelters, and awareness campaigns.
#survivingsextrafficking #endsextrafficking #supporttraffickingsurivors #everysoulcounts #stoppingtraffic
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Do sex trafficking survivors ever truly heal?
“Surviving Sex Trafficking” examines the ongoing struggles of trafficking survivors, as they desperately fight to break free of their past, heal their bodies and minds, reconnect with a world of hope, and reclaim their lost humanity.
Experience the ground-breaking documentary online or in theaters today → Click the bio link to stream now and be sure to follow @SurvivingSexTrafficking.
Proceeds go to sex trafficking survivors & shelters 💙
#survivingsextrafficking #endsextrafficking #supporttraffickingsurivors #everysoulcounts #stoppingtraffic
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Less than 1% of victims of sex trafficking will escape or be rescued 🛑
The documentary, “Surviving Sex Trafficking”, shines a light on the ongoing struggles of sex trafficking survivors.
Hear their story, and watch in theaters or online now. Link in bio.
Proceeds from sales will go to sex-trafficking survivors, shelters, and awareness campaigns 💙
#survivingsextrafficking #endsextrafficking #supporttraffickingsurivors #everysoulcounts #stoppingtraffic
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“Sex trafficking is the fastest-growing crime in the world.” — UNODC
With over 45 million victims worldwide, we cannot deny the narrative, but we must rewrite the conclusion for women all over the world.
The documentary @SurvivingSexTraffickingFilm examines the ongoing struggles of trafficking survivors, as they desperately fight to break free of their past, heal their bodies and minds, reconnect with a world of hope, and reclaim their lost humanity.
View the ground-breaking documentary online or in theaters to hear their true stories → Follow @SurvivingSexTraffickingFilm for details.
All proceeds go directly to survivors and non-profit shelters.
Please share with friends and loved ones 🙏 Together, we can change the conclusion and build a better future for women worldwide.
#survivingsextrafficking #endsextrafficking #supporttraffickingsurivors #everysoulcounts #stoppingtraffic
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“It’s been my goal to educate the world that our job is not to deny the story, but to defy the ending for women worldwide.” — “Surviving Sex Trafficking” is now playing. Hear their true stories at
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The documentary,”Surviving Sex Trafficking”, shines a light on the ongoing struggles of sex trafficking survivors. Proceeds from sales go to survivors, shelters, and awareness campaigns. Watch now
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Do sex trafficking survivors ever truly heal? With this burning question, we set out to find victims who had managed to defy the odds and escape captivity. Watch their stories in theaters or on demand here Proceeds go to sex trafficking survivors & shelters.
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In the documentary “Surviving Sex Trafficking”, we give a voice to the minority of survivors who have escaped, so that they can speak for the millions who deserve to be rescued. All proceeds go to survivors and shelters. Show your support and watch here →
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The truth—with 45 million sex trafficking victims worldwide. Only 1% manage to escape or be rescued. We interviewed these heroes to hear their true stories in the documentary “Surviving Sex Trafficking”. Watch now at
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Less than 1% of victims of sex trafficking will escape or be rescued. We followed these survivors and uncovered how they escaped, how they continue to survive, and how trauma continues to impact their life. Watch in theaters or on demand at
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“Sex trafficking is the fastest-growing crime in the world.” — UNODC. Experience the emotional documentary that follows the stories of brave survivors who defied all odds and escaped. Do survivors ever truly heal? Proceeds go to sex trafficking survivors & shelters. Watch now →
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Escaping is never the end of the story. Watch the new award-winning documentary “Surviving Sex Trafficking” to hear their untold tales. Watch in theaters or online →
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Press Inquiries
Sylvia Desrochers
Sadhvi Siddhali Shree