“More than just a portrait of torment, Surviving Sex Trafficking is a study of healing, as all three of these individuals attempt to overcome a variety of internal and external scars caused by their trafficking experiences.”
Nick Schager – Daily Beast
“The film is truly life changing and offers insight to trafficking through a victim’s eyes. This film makes it real; real young women, real human beings, real mothers, real aunts, real daughters, real nieces, real cousins. It could be you!”
Dr. Tonya Stafford – Survivor & Founder
of It’s Going to Be Okay
“This film brings to the table some of the ordeals the victims endure during their captivity - but captures the souls of all the brave survivors who are doing their best to reclaim themselves. You won't be the same after watching the film. You just can't”
Cyndi Rivero – Survivor and Host of
Cyndi’s Voice Podcast
“This documentary is an academic life preserver for any children to see and should encourage parents to foster serious life lesson dialogue with kids who already grow up too quickly these days, so sucked into the Internet where danger and inappropriate content lurks near every click.”
April Neale – Alliance of Women Film Journalists
“Surviving Sex Trafficking Trailer: New Film Documents Experience Of Women Survivors “Without Sugar-Coating The Harsh Reality”
Matthew Carey – Deadline
“Sadhvi Siddhali Shree accomplishes broadening the audience's understanding of the challenges that healing from sexual trauma presents in a very moving, real, and honest way that still leaves the viewer feeling uplifted.”
Cindy Malott – Director of U.S. Safe Programs at
Crisis Aid International